A therapeutic group for stroke survivors is run on a weekly basis in Strand. Groups are 1-2 hours in duration and consist of exercises, as well as cognitive and perceptual...
Support group for stroke and chronic illness survivors and their families . These 2 support groups are held in separate rooms at the same venue. Caregivers are welcomed. Contact Phone:...
Contact Tom Gallup at 301-502-8420. The login can be found on our website: www.severebicaregivers.com Or try this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8546290864?pwd=WklQcGQyU3FoUktUQjVrMWRXRmZ3QT09
Our stroke support group has been in existence for more than thirty years. Our primary goal is to provide social and emotional support to stroke survivors. Care givers to stroke...
A therapeutic group for stroke survivors is run on a weekly basis in the Lwandle/Nomzamo area. Groups are 2-3 hours in duration and consist of exercises, as well as cognitive...