Reply To: How to engage survivors? Your Thoughts?

Avashna Moodley

My husband was exactly like yours , he internalised his emotions and refused to see a psychologist. He was definitely in denial and I refused to pretend that my stroke never happened . Besides , my son was 13 years old when he saw me have my first seizure and that look of complete fear on his face never left me .So when I was well , I took myself and my kids to a psychologist . My husband still needed a lot of coxing before he followed suit after a few months . It helped us ,as a family , tremendously. It still is my safe place to chat about anything and everything . Psychology is an important part of rehab for a stroke survivor , as is OT or Physio . I found out the hard way that stopping any rehab leads to regression. It will be 9 years , on 24 December 2020 , since my stroke and I owe my constant recovery to my rehab team. 
RegardsAvashna Moodley