July 20, 2020 at 8:46 pm
One member from South Africa submitted the following question:
Im a stroke patient and i can no longer work because of my condition how do i get financial help because i have three children and the only person working now is my husband and i can see he is getting stressed out because he can’t provide enough
She is not alone. Another user submitted a similar question. The following is the answer we received from Avashna Moodley, a member of Strokefocus. (visit her site at http://www.hospital2home.co.za)
He can apply for a disability grant in SA. I’ve been in contact with the department that deals with disability and they have temporary suspended this application due to being inundated with Covid 19 applications .His other option will be to apply for R350 unemployment grant which was implemented due to the Covid 19.There is no other way to access these funds, other than going to the relevant offices by himself . This also means risking his chances of infection.
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– Ask Okey Form on the SSF site (https://www.strokesurvivors.org.za) or the SSF PDSS site (https://pdss.strokesurvivors.org.za)
– Ask Joyce Form on the NW Brain Network site (https://www.nwbrain.network)
– Ask Dr Charway Form on the SASNET form (https://care.sasnetghana.org)
– Ask Beautiful Form on the Southeast Brain site (https://www.southeastbrain.net)
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