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    • micksmith

      I had a Tia and a stroke and am in rehab part way.  Right handed with right leg and arm defecit. Can do a little with assist so far. Can use a walker with a brace and a coach. Wondering how likely my rt leg and arm will regain function with work?
      Mick Smith

      Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

    • micksmith

      I have slowly noticed that my ups and downs are more pronounced post TBI. A minor health issue seems to trigger everything at once sometimes.  Sore throat triggers head ache triggers eyes ears nose tummy etc.  Is that normal being more fragile like that or just me.
      Any advice to avoid triggers?
      Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

    • micksmith

      My concussion (TBI) eventually revealed its blessing side a few months later. It so disrupted my memory at times that I eventually accepted that I wasn’t a super achiever any more and saw the advantage to being normal. It still feels like lazy and depression and sub normal but that is arrogance.

      Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

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